Hate 2.0 One Man’s Journey to Becoming a “Tough Jew”

Hate 2.0 is an autobiographical treatise chronicling Aaron Hadida’s path through life. Raised in a tough Toronto neighborhood, Morrocan Jew Hadida learned that the most important thing in a fight is to get in a few shots and not back down. His heroes were Meyer Lansky, Arnold Rothstein, and Bugsy Seigel, three prominent Jewish gangsters who never backed down.

Hadida developed a Morrocan crew in Toronto, offering protection to businesses as well as street prostitutes, one time using a little too much force and doing a stretch for assault, including time in solitary, never backing down from a fight. Upon release, Hadida used his street fighting skills to protect synagogues and Jewish activists.

The book is conveyed in 75 short (sometimes really short) chapters, roughly chronological, but sometimes simply seguing to ideas and concepts about Zionism and it’s centrality to Jewish culture.

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