Duke of Caladan

Dune: The Duke of Caladan | Brian Herbert | Macmillan

Frank Herbert’s Dune series, particularly the original title work, is one of the seminal creative works of imagination, combining science fiction, economics, political intrigue, and mysticism. Herbert followed that up with five more books and, after his death, his son, Brian Herbert and Kevin Anderson added perhaps fifteen more books to the Dune universe. Duke of Caladan is the latest entre into this universe, being the first of a new trilogy chronicling the year or so leading up to the events of Dune when the Emperor assigned Arrakis to the Atriedes family, forcing the Harkonens out.

Duke of Caladan follows a number of threads as the Emperor, the Atriedes, and the Harkonens are all faced with rebellions. Duke Leto struggles with finding a match for his son and with what place his Bene Gesserit concubine Jessica will play. Paul is fourteen and starting to come of age. The Baron plots on Geidi Prime and on Arrakis. The Guild, the Landsraad, and CHOAM all have prominent roles. Count Fenring is keeping an eye on Arrakis for the Emperor. For those familiar with the Dune Universe, you can see the threads beginning to weave as these schemes become tangled and Arrakis becomes the center of the play. This, however, is part one of a trilogy, so there is far more to play out before the chess pieces find their familiar places.

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